헌마공신 김만일

보도자료<홍보영상> 제주관광공사 Visit Jeju Global에 헌마공신 김만일기념관이 소개되었습니다.

조회수 974

게시일자 :  2021년 10월 06일 

프로그램 :  Visit Jeju Global 유투브 채널 

상세내용 :  제주관광공사 스마트투어 콘덴츠 제작 촬영 영상에 외국인 대상으로 헌마공신 김만일기념관이 소개되었습니다. 

Horseback Riding in Nature : Jeju Island, the Home of Horses

Join Kara Jue, a teacher at Branksome Hall Asia, on a horse-related journey around Jeju!  She starts at Iho Beach and its iconic and picturesque horse-shaped lighthouses. Beautiful! Then she learns about the Uigwi region of southeast Jeju which for centuries has been closely related to the raising of horses.  She tours the Heonmagongsin (Meritorious Servant) Kim Man-il Memorial Hall and hears about islander Kim Man-il, who in the late 1500s offered his Jeju horses to help protect Joseon Korea from foreign invaders.  And of course this video wouldn’t be complete without a ride on a real Jeju horse through Jeju’s lovely cedar and cypress forest. We hope you enjoy this insightful video as much as we did! For all your Jeju travel and safety information, please visit our website and follow the Jeju Tourism Organization’s social media channels.

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